Thursday, November 12, 2009

Penn and Teller Bill Graham Foundation fund raiser for P.S. 161

When Penn and Teller, well Penn told us his act was ripped off and the man reviewing the rip off artist praised Penn exposing the source I thought of many times I have been ripped off and this photos robbed....

It was a great evening and for such a powerful cause. One of Bill Graham's sons gave a very moving speech about his father and his work which lives on through this foundation. What a great way to enjoy an evening and help support the arts for P.S. 161 in Harlem. There is a lot more I wrote in the text portion of the YouTube.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lt. Joseph Giuseppie Petrosino honored at NYC Police Museum Suzannah given an NYPD pin with his badge no! Please come visit this gem of a museum and moving exhibition honoring Lt. Giuseppe Joseph Petrosino a true American NYPD hero who was the first NYPD hero to lose his life in the line of duty. After visiting the historic building that was once an active precinct you can walk across to the other side of Lower Manhattan and visit the NYPD Memorial where you can see his name honored with so many courageous souls that have lost their lives in the line of duty.

My theory is if he had lived he would have been our first Italian American NYPD Commish!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Cooper Square Committee having a rally for affordable housing and they are true NYC heroes -- amazing work and achievements

Rally for long-promised affordable housing in the Lower East Side!

Sunday, November 15th - 1PM
Delancey St & Suffolk St, Manhattan (Lower East Side)

By Subway: F to Delancey St; J to Essex St

1,850 homes were demolished in 1967 as part of the Seward Park Urban Renewal Area - with the promise that new affordable housing would be built on these enormous tracts of land in the heart of the Lower East Side. After thousands were displaced, the affordable housing was never built.


On the site where thousands once lived in a vibrant community - there are five enormous open-air parking lots. These sites could be used for 2,000 units of affordable housing for low-income New Yorkers and community facilities for the neighborhood, while the construction of the site and affordable commercial spaces built in them could provide much needed living-wage jobs.

Please join us for a rally to demand justice for the Lower East Side. 42 years is more than enough! Affordable housing NOW!

For more info, contact the Cooper Square Committee:

Monday, November 9, 2009

Lt. Joseph Giuseppie Petrosino honored at NYPD Museum downtown

The complexity of Suzannah, I am fascinated by the mosaic of people and I just love Lt. Petrosino a true hero!!!!! I will be going down to the museum to check out this exhibition.

There is a beautiful write up in the NYDaily News with a photo of Commish Kelly and Susan Burke, the granddaughter of Lt. Petrosino but I can't find the link. The NY Post has the worst website of any newspaper in NYC but I can't express to you the frustration at not being able to share the article by John Lauinger.

I found the link to this wonderful article on the NYC Police Museum website!!!

William Kunstler's daughters want you to come out and support their film this weekend Disturbing the Universe

Dear Friends, Family, and Supporters:

William Kunstler: Disturbing the Universe opens theatrically in New York this Friday, November 13th, atCinema Village, 22 East 12th Street.

The fate of our film rests on opening weekend ticket sales. Help us sell out! Buy your tickets now! Even if you have already seen the film, please support us by buying a ticket and coming out to see Disturbing the Universe in the theater! And bring your friends and family! If our film does well opening weekend, it will stay in theaters longer and be booked in more theaters across the country!

Please forward this email to anyone who you think might be interested in seeing the film.

Cinema Village Movie Info:

Check out our website:

Watch the trailer:

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