Saturday, July 31, 2010

Giuseppi Logan Brecht Forum & Stone NYC Jazz and Miracles  Giuseppi Logan will be playing tonight at Brecht Forum.  For those who don't know I discovered him playing on a freezing cold winter day 2 years ago to an empty park. I posted a moving rendition of Begin the Beguine and before I knew it jazz fans and critics were contacting me from all over the world celebrating he was in fact alive.  He was looking for a home, a place to compose music and play music.

I ran home and posted the amazing video footage and immediately found a British film maker's video footage of Giuseppi with a little boy Jaee holding hands in Tompkins -- same park almost 45 years before me!  

Peter Gershon, publisher of Signal to Noise, wrote a stirring piece about Giuseppi Logan and acknowledged my work along with the British film maker; a powerful piece worth checking out.

Since my first YouTube and now there are over 20 tube in my YouTube documentary he has now cut a new CD, the first since his 2 well received ones by ESP in the 1960's.   An angel posing as a human being who works for Salvation Army found him a small space in one the Salvation Army's houses that helps people struggling like Giuseppi which is beyond awesome and his little sliver of a living place filled with instruments donated to him by the Jazz Foundation and given to him by kind people fill his little room. 

He is playing at the Stone  August 15.   I am hoping his son will be back to continue work on his documentary and that down the road a major motion picture will be made to tell Giuseppi Logan's story as well as honoring the tragic loss of GL's grandson, same name as his son Jaee's memory.  Jaee was murdered by a cowardly act of gun violence, several shots to the back of his head at a barbecue  He was an honor student and a football star and like his grandfather, and Dad Jaee he had the musical gift.\

Note: The film would honor jazz but also raise awareness and hopefully raise money for a foundation to help stop gun violence.  Who knows maybe there will be a series of films....

The film like my YouTube documentary would underscore even in the latest chapters of your life you can find some kind of redemption.

You can see my first YouTube discovering Giuseppi Logan and I did not know who he was.  As an artist I had a powerful feeling for him -- playing to empty seats....admired his passion and drive at such an old age to get out and play in freezing cold weather.

A friend of his youngest child Jaee and only child from Guiseppi's 2nd marriage told Jaee there is this woman on YouTube filming your Dad!  Jaee did not know his father was still alive and after losing his son he wanted to be reunited with his Dad.

I helped make that happened and captured them reunited for the first time in over 40 years so the little boy in the YouTube I found from so long ago in Tompkins is reunited once again with his Dad thanks to a YouTube miracle that I am honored to be part of!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Suzannah B. Troy Aerial Yoga Loving it!!! Michelle superb teacher
You can take Aerial Yoga at locations around NYC or do what I did and arrange a private class.

I took a group class with Michelle and I was the oldest person there and I exceeded my expectations.  Taking a private with Michelle was a different experience.  She had body genius and superb insights I greatly appreciated.  I was able to really relax and be presence.  I learned so much.  I have the highest praise and I look forward to seeing her perform as well.

Michelle also does teacher trainings and her students are older than me including a 70 year old man.  As I get older I am fascinated learning about people who are older still learning and superb they are getting their teacher training.  They are already yoga teaching taking their teaching to new heights.

My VIP's special to me  knows I love defying gravity!!!!!!!!!!!!  My favorite pose...head stand in the air!!!!!!!!

Above is the link to a YouTube of Michelle teaching a class and she is truly amazing teacher.  I took a class like this and I did so much more than I ever imagined.

The YouTube is not Michelle but the video also shows you some more Aerial Yoga.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Henry Hill got cement shoes Theatre 80 American Gangster Museum screening Goodfellas signing

Check The New York Daily News tomorrow or early this week for an article about Henry Hill making a guest appearance at Theatre 80. Clayton Patterson showed up and The NYDaily News needed a photographer so hopefully Clayton's photo will run with the article  which should be a lot of fun!
Above see Henry Hill getting a pair of cement shoes! 

Actually Lorcan Otway the proprietor of Theatre 80 came up with the idea to get Henry Hill's foot prints and his signature in cement.  I am sure Hill has many other fans that would like the idea but are not Quakers like Otway!

I have to say that Henry really was very nice but I had to reprimand him for using too much white in his paintings.  He stated he is not an artist.  I said I know.   He paintings go for 50 dollars and they sell.

He has fans and Scorese's film Goodfellas is a masterpiece.  Of course the real live harsh realities of his story is beyond most people's scope and disturbing yet perfect for the museum of the American Gangster at 80 St. Marks Place here in NYC.

There was a big enthusiastic turn out to meet Henry Hill, get autographs and watch Goodfellas at Theatre 80 tonight!

The Museum of The American Gangster  museum has moved upstairs from Theatre 80 but still connected literally and with amazing new items; a must to visit while in NYC or pretending you are a tourist!

I gather this Cadillac made an appearance in Goodfellas!

S Factor Suzannah B. Troy celebrates turning 48 big time fun using a pole to work out

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I did not wear the very sexy attire -- and less is more when you want to stick to, glide and slide around  on a pole but I had a lot of fun despite a very long day that started at 4am!

I am so tired but this is a blast.  Actress Sheila  Kelly created this work-out after she trained for a movie role and realized it was a great work out but with her insights it could be about sexual empowerment, self acceptance and sensuousness.   I was really impressed how sensuous the experience was...very.

This is for women only.  There are no mirrors, the lights are down low and it is about getting sexy for yourself first and foremost and being comfortable in your skin what ever your body size.  The friend that got me here is 60 and she told me there is a 70 year old woman working out as well so there is a full spectrum of young women on up and all with the same goal - to work out, have fun and sexiness from a place of self acceptance and empowerment.

If men reading this have not figured it out...have you noticed women speed up to avoid you on the street and all kinds of interesting behavior to keep guys away....?   Well in this class it is about slowing down and Sheila Kelly provides a safe supportive environment to slow down, get sexy!

S factor will give you quite an ab work-out as well as getting in touch with your sensuousness and your wild sex kitten just roaring to get out and s-express herself!!!!!

Highly recommended.   You might get a few bruises on your shin.

I have no dancing background...when my beautiful teacher Loretta that looks like she walked out of a Gaugin painting said something about pointing my toe...I told her my foot is cramping and just grabbed the bar and twirled around swinging my hips for momentum.  She praised me.  I said it was either move or cramp.

I have no idea how to do this but it was either cramp and die or move and have a blast.

Side note:  For professional women that do this it is very, very hard work and they deserve every thing they earn plus more.

The S Factor has a shop as well with fun undies and t-shirt and massive high heels which you will never, ever see me in.  I cannot walk in high heels.

I read Sheila Kelly's book when it first came out almost a decade ago (?) was it really that long ago...and I loved it.  Especially the way she emphasized self acceptance as you are right now.

Total blast, recommended, not inexpensive.  They have a payment plan and day time prices during the week may get you a discounted.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Tony Chisholm interviewed by Suzannah B. Troy Artist Protest of Mike Bloomberg Union Square

Mike Bloomberg is a big patron of the arts so why the protest on this rainy day here in NYC?

Besides violating artists 1st Amendment Right....?

The vendors both artists, Veterans that served our Country and anyone who wants to make an honest living need now more than ever because despite what they report on Bloomberg News unemployment is rising and of those employed here in NYC how many are actually earning a living wage?

Watch my interview with artist Tony Chisholm.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

3 alarm fire in East Village Houston Street

I don't have a link yet to info re: fire.

Here is a link:   Actually this footage is from a 3 alarm fire on 14th Street in the East Village.

Just heart breaking and I hope everyone is safe especially fighting fire in this heat.

A lot of firemen died Sept. 11 from the houses in the area and pre-Sept. 11 Capt. Drennan and his guys died.  I remember all the flowers outside the firehouse and I joined in putting flowers out -- this was pre-9-11 and I left them for Bobby Beddia & Joseph Graffagino

Just saw footage on Channel 5 news and again I hope everyone is safe --- big NYPD turn out, one ambulance in the area ---

it is right next door to the hideous ugly "Red Square" built by developer Mike Red Square Rosen and they showed the Lenin statue on the roof--- a rich man, Mike Red Square Rosen's toy -- he kids himself that Lenin is waving at Wall Street but many of us think Lenin should be moved to his luxury duplex or triplex ---that the statue symbols what a big phony and hypocrite Rosen is.  Rosen considers himself a zoning expert and he has quite the views from the Christadora is a symbol of gentrification and The Red Square looks like a pro-type for all the mega dorms that have destroyed the East Village.  NY Law dorm on 3rd Street even has balaconies like Red Square.   Mike Red Square Rosen is a mini-Mike Bloomberg wannabe.

My maternal Grandfather was born down the street on Ludlow Street in a tenement house in to poverty.  It was the early 1900s and you could smell the poverty on the street.

Re-open our firehouses the mayor closed after 9-11.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Mercer Hotel gets NYPD Capt. Winski to harass Viet Nam Vets. Can we get a drug sniffing dog to the Mercer Hotel, ticket the non-stop idling limos and other unusual "activity" above the law when you are rich?

I don't know if Andre Balazs is still running the Mercer but this is a guy you don't want to date, marry and page 6 of The New York Post has never published the dirt on this guy.  Lucky for him.

Andre Balazs (party time? vs courageous soldiers that served our country) or whom ever is in charge at The Mercer Hotel -- did you serve in the military and go to war front line like many of the people you call the 1st Precinct to come and  harass because you want them swept off the street, Prince Street?

Also lucky is there never is a drug sniffing dog at the front doors of The Mercer Hotel.  I wonder if any thousand dollar sex workers or maybe I am pricing them a little low, make calls to The Mercer Hotel?

I do not know but I do know that fancy cars and limos idle out there 24 hours a day 7 days a week, year round  and NEVER, EVER get ticketed.

Some horrible creature posing as a human being MICHAEL RAWSON from management at The Mercer Hotel insists on using the NYPD from 1st Precinct as a tool to harass Viet Nam Vets.

Today I took photos of Capt. Winski harassing two men that served -  one man front line in Viet Nam front line and one man that served during the Viet Nam war but not in Nam.  Capt. Winski is written up on 1010WINS for catching a bank robber but what is he doing here harassing Vets?

It is 99 degrees and that means even hotter on the side walks.  You think that hotel would send out water to these Vets rather than harass them.

I photographed and praised the 1st Precinct when they did the right thing and refused to ticket the Vets when the creepy owner/manager of The Mercer Hotel called the NYPD on them.

Now I have to show you photos and tell you Capt. Winski got his guys to whip out their tape measures and using a ruler gave our two vets tickets and because of "inches".  The Vets will go to court and fight the tickets.  I hope they get these tickets dismissed!

Has the Capt., Commissioner Kelly, king Mike who flushed democracy down the toilet and thinks he is above the law which is a good thing because the Haggerty scandal and Mike paying out of his personal checking account instead of the campaign account is just the beginning of Bloomberg scandals that will FINALLY come out  -- BUT MY QUESTION -- HAVE ALL THESE GUYS FORGOTTEN THE VETS THAT STOPPED A BOMB FROM GOING OFF MID-TOWN?

Guess what?  Capt. Winski comes from Mid-Town and is now the commander of the 1st Precinct.

I have been called a cop-lover.  If I can side with the NYPD and support them, I do.  I have asked for a raise for The NYPD and FDNY  in a letter in The New York Times.    Right now if you go to The New York eminent domain Times, my letter asking for a raise for the NYPD and the FDNY has been mysteriously removed with more than half of my 9 letters published pre-Bill Keller.     I have contacted the paper and demanded they restore all my letters.

I have asked that the NYPD along with other  the FDNY, PAPD, EMS  be honored at the WTC memorial always in The Wall Street Journal with a powerful letter called "Betrayal at Ground Zero".

Witnessing Vets being harassed today was so wrong and Capt. Winski has warned the Vets that he will be back Saturday to harass the Vets so more.  Have your cameras and video cameras ready.

I called and left my name and number with a respectful NYPD officer at the 1st Precinct for Capt. Winski.   I made it clear this blog posting is going to Commish Kelly who is a Viet Nam Vet.  I have heard on the street that he doesn't approve of the tables and even tried to discourage his wife from buying jewelry at one of these charming tables way back when.  I asked Capt. Winski to call me with the time Saturday he will be returning so I can film him and post on YouTube.

I do fear the Commish caters to the rich like his boss but I won't stop writing him and speaking up for the Vets.  Not every Viet Nam Vet came home and ends up Commish of the NYPD.   I know one that died downtown a hero only to be made invisible along with all the heroes that rushed down to the site 9-11, many were highly decorated serving in the military and within their departments  and died giving their all.  The State of NY and the City act like our heroes died in a foreign country.  If I was mayor and I am not running for office, there would be a sign down there from Sept. 12, 2001 on thanking and honoring the largest loss of rescue workers in our City, State and Nation's history.

My Dad served in World War 2 and he became a Prof. of Economics teaching for 53 years but not every Vet can do that and where does a rich arrogant hotel like The Mercer get off calling the NYPD when the Mercer Hotel is far from a saintly operation -- uh, huh, I am talking about the idling cars.

Can we get some drug sniffing dogs over to front doors of The Mercer Hotel?  Can we get those machines that you wave like a wand that check for guns like they have in NYC schools over to The Mercer.  I am sure that if anyone is caring a gun there they have a license -- no worries -- and those high priced sex workers -- the kind that Elliot Spitzer uses and many, many others here in NYC use -- I am sure they never visit The Mercer Hotel.

I am sure if there were any laws being broken except the idling cars that never, ever get tickets,  the 1st Precinct would be on it.

Capt. Winski ticketed these guys because of inches and  as soldiers maybe they survived by inches only to get ticketed here in NYC for "inches".  Yes, a measuring tape and 2 inches proved they had broken the law.   Here is one example.

 I blame The Mercer Hotel management for wasting the NYPD's time and worse for getting the NYPD to harass Vets ; it is disgusting, a big greedy hotel using NYPD to harass small businesses.

I have had breakfast  at The Mercer in the past  but I will never ever eat there again.   Any rich people and movie stars that want to stay at The Mercer -- unless you support the harassment of Vets and people that are trying to earn a living and don't get paid obscene amounts of money ---I suggest staying else where!

Here I am praising the 1st Precinct to the Heavens and to Commish Kelly.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Suzannah B. Troy big hug and love St. Marks Place with Damian Theatre 80 Happy July 4th weekend!!!!!!!!

Happy July 4th!!!!!!  HAVE A HAPPY JULY 4th WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!! 

 Remembering my Uncle,  WHO  WAS BORN ON July 4th!! His younger brother was born on Flag Day and I will being wishing my Dad, the youngest a Happy 4th  and he was born on CONSTITUTION DAY.   When it came to giving birth, my Grandmother was a very patriotic!!!!!!!!!

Apple Iphone 4 NY Post Listen-up

Three years ago during what I can only describe as one of the top ten traumatic experiences of my life I happen to throw out my Dell and convert to Apple. Apple radically changed my life. Apple teaches you how to use your computer and that is radical. I want to be among the first people to make a documentary on my Iphone. This new phone could make my dream a reality. I filmed Giuseppi Logan playing Begin the Beguine in the park 2 years ago and thanks to Apple teaching me I was able to use IMovie and post on YouTube. I wrote he his homeless, he needs a place to compose music, write music,he needs a home and support. I had no idea he made 2 records in the 1960's before self destructing. He has now made a new record for the first time in 50 years. All my Iphones reception is awful. Calls drop and I also can't get data sometime. Apple's sold over a million new iphones but it was the most awful unpleasant purchase for me because they gave my phone I reserved away. That being said Apple is radical and life changing. What ever bad Apple aspects the Apple positives are far more.

Read more: