Sunday, December 19, 2010

Suzannah B. Troy back with The New York Post

Just an update I got banned again March 2011!

All my YouTubes were removed a month and a half before the election to close to call and March 4 I had made a YouTube that said don't believe what the press is reporting Mike Bloomberg may not win....

Well Google wrote me an apology and I got my work restored.

Just as the 80 million dollar theft was breaking I was banned from The New York Post and no longer allowed to comment.  I had been commenting all along about the need for an investigation and no renewal of CityTme.  I even made a comment about Joel Bondy way back when.

I was also giving mayor Bloomberg a very hard time and I was always a head of the game.   For example the fact Mike Bloomberg broke campaign laws.  Well know Haggerty has removed the sword he fell on for Mike Bloomberg and he is also talking about broken campaign laws.

I just wanted to comment on The NY Post website.  It always frustrated me and still does that you can't read comments or post comments from your smart phones on the NY  Post website.  You cannot post links and in the unfolding of CityTime and iReport link was mind blowing and the link was found in the comment section of a rival newspaper.
Just glad to be no longer banned.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Beagle Dog 6 Month old puppy missing Staten Island please help!!!!!!!

If you have any information please call Whiskers Holistic Petcare at 212-979-2532

Here is the facebook page to see more picture and learn more info!  Thank you!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Save Our Lady of Vilnius -- write a check for their legal bills to continue to fight for these people to have their church

I am a Jew and here in NYC I am a Jew fighting to save Churches!  Go figure.   I think Rome has more money than God so why did Rome okay selling off churches here in NYC like they were having a bake sale.

As you know I fought for St. Ann's at 120 East 12th Street writing everyone from the Pope on down.  The USPS owned the air rights and sold the air over St. Ann's for millions to NYU without notifying the State of NY which was illegal because the site was historic from 1847 so the USPS had to notify the State and the State would have come in and investigated and decided is this air sale in the best interests of the community but the greed of NYU and the USPS was more important than the community.

I am dropping my check made out to lawyer:

Harry Kresky
250 West 57th Street
Suite 2017
NYC 10107
in the mail right now today during the celebration of Hanukah which is about MIRACLES!!!!!!!!!!!

If you have any questions you can email Christina who like me is also a big cat lover!!!!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Suzannah B. Troy buys 2 Miriam West Art Works Union Square: "Looking Back" Where You Ever Really My Friend and a stunning photo colorized by Miriam

I bought art today in Union Square Park.  It was freezing out.
The link above is from Conde Nast's Architectural Mag that includes Miriam's photos in best design buys under 100.  The art boxes are over 100 dollars and up folks.

You can see I am happy!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Rally, come this Sunday Oct. 17 2 PM show up in solidarity to demand a hospital West Village

Dear Friends,

We will rally at the site of St. Vincent’s on Sunday October 17th at 2pm to demand the full restoration of services taken away when St. Vincent’s was wrongfully closed in April.

Here are some recent articles that have exposed the serious life and death situation our community is in and the fact that these problems aren’t decreasing, but increasing.

The Chief of Emergency Care at Bellvue, the closest trauma one hospital, calls the closing of St. Vincent’s a “significant disaster”.  Please spread the word and forward the videos below as well to as many as you can, post them on your facebook if you have one and forward them by email.  We must get a large turn out on October 17th to let our public officials know we will not stop until we have a hospital back.


Youtube Video

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Giuseppi Logan sending Suzannah B. Troy a lot of love Tompkins

bootysurgeon has made a comment on Giuseppi Logan, I give him a copy of Sound to Noise, GL tells me about generous NYC:

The head of Satan's Dance is one of the most beautiful melodies I've ever heard. Thanks for tracking him down and posting this. Logan's a treasure that should not be lost.

You can watch my YouTube documentary on Giuseppi Logan on YouTube!!!!!

Mayor Mike Bloomberg Needs to RESIGN Now by Suzannah B. Troy

Bloomberg needs to resign.  He did not keep his promises and he is all smoke and mirrors. Right now SAIC wants 110 million Sept. 30 to continue with an Orwellian Time Clock for city employees that does not work and won't save the city money for at least 50 years but makes consultants with no time clock very rich moving towards the billion dollar mark of tax payers money but Bloomberg wants to sign with SAIC -- a big federal company with some big scandals on it's resume - feels like a white collar crime against tax payer.  The NY Post exposed Bloomberg wiring money out of his personal account to the Independence Party funneled to Haggerty and the NY Post forced Cy Vance to do his job why has the Manhattan DA not served Mike Bloomberg, Kevin Sheekey, Wolfson, etc. with subpoenas?  Is this like Bloomberg trying to make the Deutsche Bank law suits go away-  Firemen Bobby Beddia and Joseph Graffagnino's family.  Is king Bloomberg going to make his Watergate go away?  If we don't get one democrat who can beat Quinn in the primary run and not a group to split the vote we will have Bloomberg running the city through a woman that helped him deny us a referendum also criminal in my opinion. Mike will run the city for a 4th term from the golf course but he should resign now and belongs in prison with everyone that aided and abetted him for campaign improprieties, denying us a referendum and 109 million and real estate dealings to his buddies who insisted he deny us a referendum all need to be investigated.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Politicos above the law and No to SAIC renewal No CityTime by Suzannah B. Troy

What took or takes so long when it comes to corruption with politicos here in NY? Re: City Council members -- what is the current tab for tax payers paying for their defense attorneys that specialize in White Collar crime some even using the same firms as Goldman Sach? Why no update on Sally Goldenberger's article on Christine Quinn and her staff and how much we are paying for their defense attorneys? Also why no follow-up on David Seifman's article on 62 emails Mike Bloomberg doesn't want to turn over he sent to Haggerty? The Manhattan DA should be asking for these emails and Patricia Harris, Sheekey's etc. but will they? I know Cy Vance is asking for more $ for his budget.  href="" style="color: rgb(0, 51, 153); text-decoration: none; ">

SAIC renewal? Sept. 30 front page news Tax Payers should know + Haggerty Bloomberg's Watergate also blacked out!!!!!!

How could the SAIC renewal Sept. 30 not be front page news?   The list of consultants receiving close to half million each is staggering and no time clock for them and the Orwellian Time machine does not work.   Hopefully John Liu will say no!

The New York Post asked for 62 emails Mike Bloomberg does not want to turn over but where is the Manhattan DA on all this -- the Manhattan DA need to be asking that all the emails to Haggerty by Bloomberg, Keaney, Sheekey, Wolfson and all campaign staff and city staff -- the mayor blurred the line be turned over and investigate are their audio conversations via telephone calls to City Hall that are recorded if we -- New Yorkers call in -- so was and is Bloomberg recording any of these conversations as well........?  If so they need to be turned in  as well but Cy Vance is too busy asking the mayor for $ for his budget  and or too scared perhaps --- even Cuomo has become best friends with Mike which is a dangerous career move -- the anger toward bloomberg is sky rocketing!

Why is the Haggerty trial completely no news when it is possible the biggest story since Mike denying us a referendum and paying a record amount of money to win the most humiliating and expensive win in NYC history.

No one with big buck financial dealings wants Bloomberg to face the music but if the laws really applied to him he should have resigned already.  He had not right to deny us a referendum/ditto for his mini-me Quinn but I believe just like Watergate -- you need to follow the money trail and he has not declared all his campaign expenses and he funneled money to Haggerty exactly the same way he did the previous election but thru the Republican party instead of the Independence.

I continue to ask the FBI and Justice Dept. come in to investigate and the trial be moved out of the Manhattan DA's hands because of obvious reasons.

Is the Haggerty like Deutsche Bank law suits - something Mike Bloomberg thinks he can just make go away...

If Mike Bloomberg died right now NYU, Cooper Union, Columbia University, Bruce Rattner and so many more real estate magnates and certain folks from the financial sector would prop up his dead body to make sure their deals go through.   Even Giuliani's city planner said "No, it's a shell game" to Cooper Union to tearing down it's little yellow science building and supersizing and leasing for 99 years.

I hope Columbia U. loses it's eminent domain case if it gets heard in the Supreme court.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Coney island it's future and past come to this event

Save Coney Island Header
Coney Island Panel Discussion! (and free walking tour...)
Save Coney Island
Heritage, Rides, and Redevelopment: What's Next for Coney Island?

Panel postcardWe are very excited to be co-sponsoring a panel discussion hosted by CUNY on the role that Coney's extraordinary past could play in its future redevelopment. The panel will be moderated by Pulitzer-prize winning historianMike Wallace, and the following speakers are confirmed to present:
The presenters will address the question of how Coney Island's rich history could factor into its redevelopment.  How can we build a 21st-century Coney Island that successfully capitalizes on Coney's heritage?  

Given the situation of several historic buildings in Coney Island, this conversation could not be more timely.  It will be a fantastic discussion, and we hope that you will join us.

The event will be free, though registration is strongly encouraged. Click here to register (and forward to your friends!).

WHEN - Thursday, September 30; 6.30 - 8.30PM
WHERE - CUNY Graduate Center; Proshansky Auditorium; 365 5th Ave (at 35th Street)
Sponsored by the Environmental Psychology Program at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, the NYC Graduate Urban Research Network, the New York Landmarks Conservancy, Save Coney Island, the Historic Districts CouncilConey Island USA and the Coney Island History Project.

Walking Tour on Sundays
Don't miss the chance to join us in our walking tour of historic Coney Island!  The guided tour will cover all the historic buildings along Surf Avenue, as well as some of Coney's existing landmarks. 
We will have historic pictures so you can see what the buildings once were; and a few renderings illustrating how these buildings could be creatively restored and reused. 

WHERE - In front of the Shore Theater, on the corner of Surf and Stillwell Aves
WHEN - Sunday, September 19th at 11:00 am (and every Sunday thereafter through the end of Sept.)

FREE! (but suggested donation of $10 appreciated) 

All comers get a free Save Coney Island button and a copy of our brand new Save Coney Island map!  (a special thanks to everyone who donated and made the printing of this trial run possible!!)

Forward this to a friend!  As always, thanks for your support! 
Save Coney Island


We are working to raise public awareness about this urgent threat to Coney Island's remaining historical structures and to promote the creation of a historic district in a renewed Coney Island amusement area. Please help our efforts by making a donation.

Make a Donation

Save Coney Island
237 Flatbush Avenue #248
Brooklyn, New York 11217

Monday, September 6, 2010

Suzannah B. Troy & friend Brooklyn Museum making like Rodin & Brooklyn Botanical Gardens

I feel like a Rodin...a living breathing sculpture of my own design....?  Yes and no.....exhausted tired but happy to be at the Brooklyn Museum with a friend....please don't ask me to have your baby...we are standing in front of a Warhol, than we are standing in front of the Robert Fultonsculpture...and go up stairs to look at more Warhol -- oh there is Jodi Foster as a young girl...Interview Magazine....

The Brooklyn Botanical Garden beautiful.... so tired have to rest, lay down in the grass, talk about NYC politics and also take time to dream....waking dreams....

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bloomberg, Paterson NYC round up Yankees to the American Indians enduring economic racist attack by our government here in NY
Click here to go to my YouTube and  find links in the  text portion or
here for NYC Shaky that takes a look at Rudy and Bloomberg off their game.

Below is my response to an article by Carolyn Thompson of The New York Post, "Tribal Smoke Break"
09/01/2010 10:58 AM
Watch my 2 YouTubes and I am about to do a new one about NYC's budget crisis, this issue and more including Bloomberg and Rudy but my tubes talk about the economic racism directed at the American Indians by Paterson and Bloomberg. Why should the American Indians pay for NY's budget crisis that was brought on by greed and stupidity . The American Indians have bad more than enough for the US's government's corruption and greed. In fact the USA owes them money not the other way around. The AI do not have the economic opportunities that Americans have on their reservation and they were robbed of their lands besides the fact that Paterson and Bloomberg are bent on violating the Seneca and Cayuga people's jurisdiction. Bloomberg wants to treat the American Indians like he does the middle classes. If the AI had land development deals or financial wall street firms on their land Mike would be kissing their posteriors instead of treating them with gross prejudice.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Louis Flores YouTube on Suzannah B. Troy activism uses Apple technology!

Here is my YouTube Don't believe the news, New Yorkers are angry & will not vote for BLOOMBERG! posted on May 4, 2009 way before anyone else would even entertain the reality that would shake the media machine here in NYC up!

Mush Hosotani Artist Union Square

I bought one of his small works not that I have any room but I loved it so much.

He is part of a very cool website!  Check it out!!!!!

Union Square Artist Art Power Movement

Monday the artists vs. NYC Parks Dept. City of NY -- I believe will be meeting with Judge Schoenfeld who for now has been protecting the artists serving the Parks Dept. with a restraining order  regarding the Parks Dept. letting them set up in their usual spots.

Tomorrow artist activists go before the judge and we are all praying he rules in favor of the artists.

If not there will be major protests organized of vendors city wide to fight for the rights of vendors to earn an honest living minus harassment.

City Council should remember vendors besides paying taxes also are voters!!!!!!!!!

Note:  The photo above is one of NY Shining Stars Miriam is my YouTube interview with her.  I love her jewelry but she can't sell her jewelry which is her art in the park!  There are so many rules and they are designed to push out the people who are mostly minority business people and all with a legal right to be there.

I bought her color intensified Coney Island Cyclone Photo!!!!!!!!

I have more postings on her and her art so go to my blog's search engine to check her out....amazing person!!!!
My interview with Miriam West!
Here I interview Tony her partner at a protest in the rain at Union Square.

These guys have a message for the mayor click on photo


Suki Weston and bestest friend! if you want custom NYC pet cards

Stay tuned...Here are the artists in the park in their usual spots today, Union Square.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Muslim Miss USA: Move the Mosque!

Photo: Reuters
The New York Post reports Miss USA, Rima Fikih who hopes to be the next Miss Universe says move the mosque.   She is more eloquent than that of course..  Rima Fikih told entertainment "I totally agree with President Obama with the statement on constitutional rights of freedom of religion," the beauty queen said in an interview with "Inside Edition" that aired yesterday.

"I totally agree with President Obama with the statement on constitutional rights of freedom of religion," the beauty queen said in an interview with "Inside Edition" that aired yesterday.

I also agree that it shouldn't be so close to the World Trade Center. We should be more concerned with the tragedy than religion."

Americans overwhelmingly agree in religious freedom but this is about an open massive wound -- literally the WTC site were even recently body parts were found recently and loved ones are not near closure and still hoping for DNA, something more...

The other issue who funding and any terrorist groups linked to this mosque or any mosque here in the USA clearly are not welcome

If you want to build bridges, educate and heal why would you inflict so much pain which is clearly what that people behind the mosque intend hiding behind anti-Muslim which is not true.  The Mosques all over the downtown area including the East Village have not been victims of hate related to 9-11 that I am aware of .

Why would any religious group want to build where they know they are causing immense pain to loved ones that have overwhelmingly made it clear this is not the least not now?

East Village art work smell a rat

These words said to me Derek an urban poem match this art work

carbon put off by people,
         cranking heat, keep your carbon to yourself...

Penis Puppetry Noho East Village  

I am sure I saw this at a theatre mid-town but I am blocking -- maybe it is post-traumatic-p- stress but I don't remember...

Monday, August 16, 2010

Doug Biviano for Assembly! Great YouTube/Message for the Media: If you want to throw out the Bums in Albany, Cover their challangers!

When it Comes to Reporting on Government,

Our Press is Dysfunctional Also

Doug Biviano, candidate for NY State Assembly, asks a simple question of the local media:  “If you want to throw the bums out for what they have done to our state, why are you not following the candidates who are challenging the bums?” Biviano is so frustrated about the media’s lack of ability to perform its primary function of informing the public that he decided to make a short Michael Moore-type film about it

View Biviano’s Online Video

The film shows Biviano visiting and being turned down by almost every major media company in the city, in his quest to get the press to cover his campaign.  Biviano’s odyssey demonstrates that not only does the press refuse to cover the small handful of challengers running this year, they are not even open to discussion or debate about their decision.

Biviano is not an insider like most candidates running for office nowadays. He is just an average working guy who is outraged at what Albany has done to our State and to our families.  Biviano needs the press to inform the voters of his integrity and his creative ideas for how to fix Albany.  He does not have family ties to connected politicians, or lobbyists and special interest groups supporting him financially.  He has no personal fortune to help him run for office and to pay for the endless mailings needed to win election.

He is forced to run against a government funded incumbent who gives out member item money to community and senior groups for political support, and uses her Assembly staff and mailings in her campaign.  Biviano believes that it is the fault of the press that this vicious cycle of corrupt insiders controlling Albany is never broken.  The media blackout prevents independent challengers from getting their messages across to voters.

Biviano’s film starts out in the graveyard of Trinity Church where the father of modern journalism, John Peter Zenger, is buried in an unmarked grave.  Zenger was jailed in 1732 for trying to inform New Yorkers of the truth about their government, which should be the primary function of any journalist.

The film shows the NY Times editorial board hanging up on Biviano while he is in the lobby of the Times office building asking to speak to them about the May 16, 2010 editorial which said that if Albany did not fix itself up, New Yorkers should vote out incumbents - Jobs for Albany’s Do-Nothings.  Biviano wanted to tell the board that it was their 2004 editorial “Casting A Meaning Vote,” which encouraged him to run his uphill campaign against a well entrenched incumbent.  Doug wanted to tell the Times that his opponent, Joan Millman, as chairperson of the Election Law Committee is responsible for knocking dozens of challengers off the ballot every year.  Doug believes that if those candidates who were knocked off the ballot over the last several years were allowed to run, a few would have won and gone on to Albany and fixed many of the state’s corruption and dysfunction problems.

At the Daily News Biviano wanted to talk to the editorial board about the three editorials written in the past year, calling Millman a “scoundrel” for having deceived her constituents by cutting the MTA budget in Albany, while protesting the transit agencies threats to cut the student Metro Cards in her district.  One, Two and Three.  The Daily News would not meet with Doug, despite the fact that on July 26, 2010 they listed his opponent Joan Millman, as one of the ”Albany Bums to Throw Out.”

When Biviano visited 30 Rock (WNBC TV), he was told to make an appointment with the assignment desk. When he called the desk, they refused to see him or schedule a meeting.  He wanted to discuss with Gabe Pressman his article “A Culture of Corruption in Albany” the long time journalist had posted on the station’s blog describing most Albany elected officials as corrupt.

At NY1 Biviano was told that if he wanted coverage, he should create an event. Biviano replied that the campaign IS the event.

Biviano believes that today’s press, like Albany, is at best dysfunctional, at worst willingly protecting the insiders in government.  Why else would the press report on the corruption and dysfunction in our state government, but not cover the rigged election system and the few challengers who are able to get through it?

“This generation’s journalists and publishers have failed to keep the public informed,” said Assembly candidate Biviano.  “This failure means that more New Yorkers will lose their jobs, education and senior services will face additional cutbacks and most dangerous of all, it virtually guarantees that Albany’s problems will grow worse as incumbent after incumbent is reelected.”

“Perhaps not all the circulation losses by newspapers are the fault of the Internet,” Biviano continued.  “I think it has to do with the trend towards soft, fluff, gossip-type coverage and the lack of ability to inform the public as John Peter Zenger did almost 300 years ago.”

Doug Biviano believes that without a properly functioning free press, our Democracy and nation are in trouble.  He has decided to run to get this message out, to protect his family and to protect you.

Please join the fight:

Press Release and superb YouTube by Gary Tzizer

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Jimmy's No. 43 Union Square cooking up a storm!! Farmers Market Union Square   Jimmy was cooking up something that smelled fiercely delicious smelling  and handing out a recipe for "sauteed corn and onions".

All I could say on this brutal hot day was yum and where is the beer?

Check out the website for info on Jimmy's blog, twitter account and more for this East Village bar located on 7th Street between 2 and 3rd Avenue.

Jimmy's No. 43 Union Square cooking up a storm!! Farmers Market Union Square   Jimmy was cooking up something that smelled fiercely delicious smelling  and handing out a recipe for "sauteed corn and onions".

All I could say on this brutal hot day was yum and where is the beer?

Check out the website for info on Jimmy's blog, twitter account and more for this East Village bar located on 7th Street between 2 and 3rd Avenue.

Miriam West, Lissie Carrasquillo and Marty Allen Artist Power Protest Union Square!

Top left hand corner photo:
Suzannah B. Troy and Miriam West both NYC artists that believe in the rights of Artist Vendors be in Union Square and anywhere -- it is called the 1st Amendment!!!!

I am pointing to my wearable Miriam West art -- my amazing Time Necklace by Miriam which has deep meaning for me, a Gandhi Necklace and pin!!!!!!

Photo to right: Lissie Canasquillio, her artist statement to the mayor king....Boombug let us work, eat and live!

Photo of 3: Marty Allen, Lissie Canasquillo and Miriam West all protesting for Artists' Rights at Union Square today!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Miriam West interviewed by Suzannah B. Troy on Mike Bloomberg and Adrian Benepe harassing and oppressing artists Union Square Park

Miriam and Tony explain to these young men about why they are here in the park protesting.  I am so glad they stopped to talk with Tony and Miriam.  They seemed to genuinely care.

Trapped By Fear -- Art by Miriam West

Tony and Miriam worked on the small Gandhi necklace together.  Their visual is very beautiful.  They have one more Gandhi left and I am buying it!  I am so grossed out by rich people trying to get my work for as little as possible I happily pay fellow artists for their work.

If you click on this photo you can see Gandhi - the sculpture in the park.   I had to walk around many trucks and tents to get to Gandhi and no artists were obscuring the Gandhi sculpture at all as Adrian Benepe thought and as far as the fountain -- the fountain area and the entire park is crowded so why single out artists and violate their 1st Amendment rights king Mike Bloomberg and Adrian Benepe?

We have no problem with the Farmers Market but please don't blame the artists for obscuring any thing to do with Gandhi with my photos give you just a hint of trucks and tents obscuring the sculpture,  not artists!!

Suzannah B. Troy having a Gandhi moment Union Square Park

My YouTube interview with artist Miriam West is processing and will be up in a few minutes!

I took a load of photos to prove that Adrian Benepe is just plain wrong about artists blocking the fountain area and the Gandhi sculpture.   I found all farmers market trucks and tents doing that and you know what -- it is so crowded all ready including tables set up for chess players why single out and oppress artists?  Why violate the 1st Amendment's right of Artists?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Artist needed to Protest Union Square Saturday 10 am 1st Amendment rights violated!

Note from a brave artist:

"A few of us artists are trying to get people to come out to union square park on wednesdays and saturdays with a display only stand or just a sign to let people know what's going on. here's a link to a video i took today of my display only stand. please feel free to put the link out there - we need all the help and bodies we can get!"

Please listen to YouTube and if you can show up anytime Saturday starting at 10AM thank you.

Please spread the word.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

George Bliss and Hub Station return to the West Village again! Now called Hudson Urban Bicycles!!!

Today in The New York Post -- Page 6 I saw a beautiful photo of Kate Winslet with a hottie male model jogging along side her as she road her tric made by George Bliss.  Her beautiful child was along for the ride.  Apparently these bikes are all the rage with glamourous Moms here in NYC.

George and me reunited -- George and Orvis (I was in love with Orvis now in doggie Heaven) lived across the street from my windows on 12th Street over 20 something years ago!  Go to my blog engine and YouTube and type George Bliss or Hub Station to see more postings!

Joanie Schwarz a beautiful talented photographer checks out Hudson Urban Bicycles formally known as Hub Station!   Here photos are beautiful.  Click on the link and see the photo of the baby!   Oh,  I want the baby and a custom George Bliss tric to bicycle with the kids!!!!!

Hudson Urban Bicycles formally known as Hub Station Soho is back!  For George Bliss admirers check my past postings and YouTubes on him!!!!!!

He has amazing bicycles and unique customs from Denmark and other countries across that big Ocean or he could build you a custom!

You can get repairs, you can rent, you can store your bicycle there, your can urbanize and accessorize your bike!

Come to Charles and Washington Street --- actually 139 Charles Street ---