Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rudin Condo St Vincent’s activists w/ Occupy Wall St Die-in

Note some Occupy Wall Street Health Care very spiritual and do not believe in any hostile expressions and negativity but to either “ignore” or “turn the other check”.  I am not there.

The firing of a NY1 camera man for filming our protest Day 1 outside the Rudin Condo sales office, the constant harassment while attempting to protest which is my right along with the media black-out just like when we fought Bloomberg and his mini-me pushing through an illegal third term along with battling the other destroyer of the area NYU, pres.  John Sexton and the worst most evil city planner Amanda the People’s Burden giving all her fellow 1% friends zone busting greens lights to supersize our communities crushing and destroying our neighborhoods is just too much with sacharin sweet sound bytes from that manure shoveling Mitchell Moss and NYU and Rudin flunkie is JUST TOO MUCH.

I felt horrified to hear about the police brutality down town.  If you visit my main blog you can see me with a young Occupy Wall Street woman who stands with us for a moment by the Rudin Sales office and fills us in on the mayhem downtown including yet another NYPD officer punching a woman!

Exhausted and I have to take a bath and upload footage.



Contact: Louis Flores
New York, NY (Nov. 15, 2011) – Activists from Hands Off St. Vincent’s are proud to join #OccupyWallStreet, the labor movement, and the global movement for economic and social equality during the November 17th Day of Action in New York City.

Members of the Healthcare for the 99% Working Group from #OccupyWallStreet will join this action.  Activists are undertaking their action on :

DATE :  Thursday, November 17, 2011
TIME :  1:00 – 1:30 p.m.
PLACE :  St. Vincent’s Hospital, Seventh Avenue South and West 11th Street

At St. Vincent’s, activists will stage a SPEAK-OUT and a DIE-IN.  After that, activists will march to Union Square, so that they can arrive before 3:00 p.m.

Activists want to force billionaire Bill Rudin from the Rudin Management Company to take the lead in building a Trauma Level 1, full-service hospital to replace St. Vincent’s.

Did you know that the residents of the Lower West Side of Manhattan below 57th Street have no hospital ?

Did you know that Bill Rudin wants to offer us a two-bed “hospital” in a phony health care facility ?

For more information about Hands Off St. Vincent’s, please like our page on Facebook :
For more information about the Healthcare for the 99% Working Group, please visit the blog :

Curbed Mis-Reports Rudin Family Blood Condo Protestors for fear of “Nice” Fascist Rudin Family?

Was Curbed so fearful of being crushed by the “nice” Rudin family who have no comment along with Howard Rubenstein as to why a NY1 Camera man who worked for NY1 for 6 years was fired for alleging staging protestors was fired.  He did not stage us.

They asked why I thought what I thought and I explained the NY1 Camera man being fired for covering our protest.  Read on and you will learn not one major media outlet most have a connection to the nice Howard Rubenstein, the “nice” Rudin family have connections to Rudin and or are represented by Howard as well as like The New York Times who advertises the blood Condos and The NY Times refuses to report any news on our protest. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Suzannah B. Troy’s Fundamental Fury Is That The People of NYC Come Last and Greed Comes First

Excerpts from Silvia Sanza interviewing Suzannah Troy.

"The first thing  you notice about Suzannah Troy is that she is never without a smile.  But in her heart there is a roar, the rumble of someone who demands justice.  She talks in capital letters and she talks a mile a minute.  I hang on to every word.  She scares me with her brilliance and nonstop energy.  I have watched and listened to her often during our tireless struggle for a new hospital at the site of St. Vincent’s which closed on April 30, 2010.”
She has many causes, but her fundamental fury is that the people of New York City come last and greed comes first.  In her own words, “Our leaders have high priced public relation machines but they are destroying our neighborhoods with greed and stupidity including corrupt real estate deals to mortgage meltdown and Wall Street implosion — common thread greed and stupidity have really hurt this country.”

Suzannah Troy Artist Interviewed by Silvia Sanza

Here is an interview I just did with Silvia Sanza on her really cool blog which is a new website on bartering to get what you need -- no money required!

The interview is political from Bloomberg’s community crushing development in the East Village to Bill Rudin’s Blood Condos in the W. Village with famous Mr. Fixer Howard Rubenstein getting a special mention so check out the piece!  Silvia Sanza is a beautiful SOUL, pure NYC and a talented artist, writer and activist.  You can visit both her sites and learn more about this passionate woman and see her beautiful photos of New York City, her collages and assemblages and even look at fictional books she has had published.  Check out Swap your Mama and Silvia thank you so much for such a wonderful time and a lively interview!

I have been blacked out by the media on behalf of Mike Bloomberg and pals.  Howard, have any ideas how that happens, voices in opposition silenced.

Thanks to Mr. NYC and the very talented artist, photographer Silvia Sanza....the photo posted with her interview of me is taken by her at a St. Vincent’s We need a hospital. 

Occupy Wall Street joins St. Vincent’s We Need A Hospital protest!
At end of tube you hear me yell Hear That Rudin Family?

Photo of Suzannah taken by Silvia and at the bottom two artists together an a previous We Need a Hospital Protest.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Google Censorship on Behalf of Christine Quinn Bloomberg: Louis Flores No Third Term Blog Removed by Suzannah Troy Artist

Read the press release above to learn how yet another New York Political Activist has been removed from Google’s blogger and or YouTubeland yet again!

Write asap and demand they return Louis Flores’s blogs!!!  Ask all friends and enemies to write as well.  Is this China or the USA?

Louis’s last post was pointing out Christine Quinn was on reminding the People Christine Quinn signed off on the requirement that protestors need a permit for a crowd over 50 people.

Click on the link above and you will read this...
This morning’s censorship followed just hours after Mr. Flores published a controversial blog post on the Christine Quinn Sold Out blog, which traced back to New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn the problems that the #OccupyWallStreet social movement have been having with protest permits. Note that the Christine Quinn Sold Out blog and the controversial post ( have also been temporarily removed/deäctivated by Google’s Blogger service.

Note this Christine Quinn blog was removed but has been returned but No Third Term and other blogs listed in the press release above remain removed.  Below a sample of Louis Flores work...

Thanks again to famed Civil Rights lawyer, Louis Flores, Queens Crap and everyone that took the time to write Google on my behalf to demand my YouTube channel highly critical of Bloomberg be restored.  The last YouTube I has posted before being removed was highly critical of David Yassky for aiding and abetting Bloomberg in pushing through an illegal third term denying voters a referendum.

Note: Gary Tilzer’s blog True News from Change was removed as well -- I remember it was on a Sunday and Louis Flores and I worked our guts out all day to get his blog returned to him.